Hi! I’m Angela.
When I started law school I knew NOTHING about law school or the legal industry.
No law firm names. No legal niches. No idea how to "do" law school right.
But, I had been a straight-A student my entire life so I figured law school would be no big deal, right?
Yikes, was I wrong.
>> One week into law school and I was drowning. <<
I could see all the years of hard work leading up to this point slowly going down the drain.
I knew I needed a different plan. And fast.
3 years later I graduated law school in the top 1% of my class, landed a federal judicial clerkship, and started working as a BigLaw associate in New York City…all without having gone to a T14 law school.
I have now made it my mission to teach you what I wish I would have known heading into law school so that YOU can go after the 1L grades to start a career on your own terms.